Speeches and Workshops


AI‐Powered Teaching (APT)

AI‐Powered Teaching (APT) Speaker: Professor Jason S. Chang (National Tsing Hua University) Time: 9/26(Mon) 13:40-15:10 Venue: Room 202, Boya Lecture Building Sign up: https://my.ntu.edu.tw/actregister/sessionList.aspx?actID=20221260_02 Synopsis By utilizing Linggle (Phrasebook) and corpus-based resources, the speaker will show how AI-powered tools can effectively improve your English vocabulary and grammar skills, and accelerate self-directed learning process.

AWEC Learning Tips and Tutorials Disclosure – Helping You Discover, Learn and Succeed

We are revealing all the tips to boost your writing competence in addition to taking the Chinese and English writing courses offered by AWEC. This workshop will introduce the features and applications of the most searched topics on the AWEC website, such as “Top 10 Essential Writing Tips”, “Grammar Talks”, Academic Research Ethics and other related writing resources. This valuable information session will be beneficial to both faculty and student because it will provide teaching and learning resources.

Facing the Challenges of Reading in a Foreign Language: Read with Efficiency, Fluency and Enlightenment

Professor Mo, widely recognized for his expertise in Linguistics and life-long dedication to Language education, will guide us to effectively read through a thick English-written book in a short time. Following by examples of GMAT practice test questions, Professor Mo will demonstrate how to effectively integrate English reading strategies to boost your test scores when preparing these tests. 

Top Secrets to Ace TOEFL Speaking Section & GRE Reading Section with High Scoring

Already established as a godfather-level star teacher with more than 30 years of teaching experience and personal experience of 255 times of TOEFL test taking, Professor Chiang Pu will offer his expertise and strategies to unravel common tricks and online myths in TOEFL speaking test, as well as recurrent question types and characteristics by ETS. Furthermore, using examples from GRE test questions, Professor Chiang will share tips for how to succeed on these intimidating exams with a stellar score.

Let the Evidence Speak: Tips for Argumentative Essay Writing


“Why You Should Write”: Discover Your Motivation for Writing


AWEC Academic Events & Consultation Service

AWEC Academic Events & Consultation Service In this semester, AWEC will be offering a range of talks focused on diverse aspects of Chinese academic writing, including creative writing, popular science and critical writing. These sessions aim to enable our students to “explain with reasoning, generate new ideas, and tell an engaging story” in a research paper. Invest in yourself with a rewarding experience that will hone your writing, research and critical thinking skills. We will also host a Study Abroad Scholarship workshop for students who are seeking strategies or channels for funding their education abroad.  All session schedules are listed […]

Course information can be found on CEIBA or NTU COOL

Course information can be found on CEIBA or NTU COOL Due to Covid-19, for the first three weeks of the semester, all courses will be conducted online. Procedures and information on how each course will be conducted online can be found in the course description on CEIBA or NTU COOL. Please consult CEIBA to find out which online platform and/or URL each class will be using.

Cross-Disciplinary Academic Writing Communication Enhancement Workshop

Cross-Disciplinary Academic Writing Communication Enhancement Workshop Registration Starts Now! The Summer “Cross-Disciplinary Academic Writing Communication Enhancement Workshop” offered by the AWEC PhD Students, Check this out! Have you been wondering … When is the right time to submit to an international journal? How long does it take for a submission to get published? Who can help with dissertation writing? How can I improve my conference presentations? If these questions sound familiar, our four-day workshop is just right for you! Three Roads to Success -Science Writing in English -Oral Presentation Skills -Cross-disciplinary Communication AWEC has invited experienced international journal editors and […]

Common Questions in Technical Essay Writing in Mandarin

Common Questions in Technical Essay Writing in Mandarin Speaker : Wan-lin Shen Time:15:00-17:00, December 4th (Wed.), 2019 Venue:Room 103, Common Subject Classroom Building Synopsis Based on authentic case studies, this speech will cover various types of common syntactic and logical mistakes in Mandarin technical essay writing. The lecturer will further guide participants to conduct hands-on practice to enhance the participants’ understanding of their writing logic and syntactical structures, thereby refining their own essays. Registration: 臺大myNTU活動報名系統(編號20191260_02) Academic Writing Education Center Tel:02-3366-1480