Reading to Connect: A Sustainable Future Between the Lines

Reading to Connect: A Sustainable Future Between the Lines

Course Description

Reading to Connect: A Sustainable Future Between the Lines aims to align the acquisition of critical reading and thinking skills with the promotion of responsible and impactful conduct that contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This course includes theme-based lectures, discussion fora, and industry expert talks. This course also engages students in individual and collaborative tasks and assesses their performance through discussion participation, weekly quizzes, a midterm group project, and a final learning evaluation task. Upon course completion, not only will students advance their capacity to read with a critical eye, but they will also show their willingness to commit to economic, environmental, and social sustainability, hence their cultivation of global citizenship.

Course Objectives

Core Competences (CCs)
Students will achieve the core competences that follow:
CC 1:  Independent judgment and ability to innovate
CC 2:  Professional knowledge and skills
CC 3:  Communicative and team skills

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Students will achieve the learning outcomes that follow:
CILO 1: Identifying textual organizations and developing reading strategies for genre texts and vocabulary enlargement (CCs 1, 2 & 3)
CILO 2: Analyzing and summarizing arguments, including main ideas, supporting details, viewpoints, and biases (CCs 1, 2 & 3)
CILO 3: Demonstrating awareness of national and global issues through reading genre texts and responding critically to textual information (CCs 1, 2 & 3).
CILO 4: Applying critical reading skills and appropriate items of evidence to argument evaluation (CCs 1, 2 & 3)

Weekly Schedule

Week Course Content
1 Course Introduction

  • Course structure and content
  • Student responsibilities
  • Class policies
2 Theme 1: Battle Against Poverty (SDG 1)

  • Online pre-recorded video lesson
  • Classroom lecture and discussion forum
3 Battle Against Poverty: Discussion & Evaluation

★     Round Table Discussion: Expert’s Visit 1

4 Theme 2: Breaking Gender Stereotypes (SDG 5)

  • Online pre-recorded video lesson
  • Classroom lecture and discussion forum
5 Breaking Gender Stereotypes: Discussion & Evaluation
  • 6
Theme 3: Defending Human Rights (SDGs 3, 8 &10)

  • Online pre-recorded video lesson
  • Classroom lecture and discussion forum
7 Defending Human Rights: Discussion & Evaluation

★     Online Cross-Institutional Cultural Exchange 1

8 Midterm Learning Task: SDG Group Projects & Presentations
9 Theme 4: Fighting for Social Justice (SDG 16)

  • Online pre-recorded video lesson
  • Classroom lecture and discussion forum
10 Fighting for Social Justice: Discussion & Evaluation

★     Social Engagement: Expert’s Visit 2

11 Theme 5: To Mitigate or to Adapt? – Act on Climate Change (SDG 13)

  • Online pre-recorded video lesson
  • Classroom lecture and discussion forum
12 Theme 6: Affordable and Sustainable Energy (SDG 7)

  • Online pre-recorded video lesson
  • Classroom lecture and discussion forum
13 Affordable and Sustainable Energy: Discussion & Evaluation

★     Discussion Forum: Mock Court (Expert’s Visit 3)

14 Theme 7: Quality Education (SDG 4)

  • Online pre-recorded video lesson
  • Classroom lecture and discussion forum
15 Quality Education: Discussion & Evaluation

★     Online Cross-Institutional Cultural Exchange 2

16 Final Learning Task



  • Active participation in all classroom activities, including discussion forums, assignments, and other interactive activities is essential and constitutes your course attendance.
  • Excessive absences may impact your grade and eligibility for course credit.
  • Adherence to academic integrity in all course work, with proper citation of sources in discussions, assignments, and projects.
  • This course is taught completely in English

Extended Readings

1. Topic 1 Extensive Reading Selections:

2.Topic 2 Extensive Reading Selections:

3.Topic 3 Extension Activity: The Story of Human Rights

4.Topic 4 Extension Activity: How technology redefined can be a social justice super power.

5.Topic 5 Extension Activity: The link between climate change, health and poverty by Cheryl Holder, TEDMED 2020 | March

6.Topic 6 Extension Activity: How to bring affordable, sustainable electricity to Africa Rose M. Mutiso, TED 2019

7.Topic 7 Extension Activity: How to fix a broken education system … without any more money Seema Bansal, TED 2016

Grading and Assessment

Types of Assessment Weighting CCs to Be Addressed CILOs to Be Addressed Descriptions of Assessment Tasks
Online Reading Tasks 20% 1 &2 1, 2, & 3 Students will complete weekly assigned readings and watch videos on various SDG topics and reading strategies before class.
Weekly Quizzes 10% 1 &2 1, 2, & 3 Students will be given weekly quizzes after completing online reading tasks.
Discussion & Attendance 30% 1, 2 & 3 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Students are required to       actively participate in discussion forum and class interactive discussion with the instructor and peers.
Learning Evaluation Tasks 40% 1, 2 & 3 3, 4 & 5 *Midterm Project-Based Learning Task (20%)

* Final Learning Evaluation Task (20%)

Requirements for students to study after school

Prior completion of assigned readings and related tasks is mandatory to ensure meaningful contribution to class discussions.