
Writing First-Aid Station

To serve the NTU students, AWEC provides one-on-one writing consultation services. The AWEC instructors will answer questions you might have about writing and give advice on your written works.

Consultation Information

Consultation Time
Each session lasts forty-five minutes, including the time (about five mins) the applicant spends summarizing his or her documents and explaining questions.

Consultation Components
Advice will be given on the following components:

  • Structure
  • Logic
  • Coherence
  • Fluency

Please be advised that AWEC instructors will not proofread, translate, or edit any documents.

Document Types
Applicants can bring the following documents:

  • Dissertation chapters
  • Journal articles
  • Conference papers
  • Semester reports
  • Proposals
  • Oral and poster presentations
  • Resumes
  • Other academic documents

Document Number and Length
Each applicant can have only one document. Applicants must specify a certain section for consultation if their documents have more than five pages.

Appointment Booking

  • Priority is given to NTU students. Students cannot make a consecutive appointment.
  • Appointments are open two weeks prior to the consultation session.
  • To make an appointment, applicants click “Appointment Booking” listed on the left side of this page.
  • This is a one-on-one consultation. Each session is open to one applicant only. Cancellation must be made three working days prior to the consultation session so as to leave the session open to other applicants. Applicants will be deemed absent if they do not cancel their appointments in advance and will be suspended once from consultation services.
  • Absence affects other students. Absent applicants will immediately lose consultation privileges for three months. If the suspension falls between semesters, they can make another appointment only after the suspension expires.

※AWEC reserves the final right to accept or reject the application.

What to Do on the Consultation Day

  • Applicants should bring their student cards for identity confirmation.
  • Applicants should have two copies of their documents: one for the instructor and one for themselves. AWEC staff and instructors have all signed a confidentiality consent form, so all the copies will be kept confidential.
  • Each session lasts forty-five minutes. Applicants should check in ten minutes prior to their sessions and fill in some forms. If they are late, their sessions will be cut short, for every session ends on time.
  • Applicants should summarize their documents and explain their questions before the one-on-one consultation starts.
  • Applicants should fill out the “Consultation Feedback Form” after the consultation.
  • AWEC reserves the right to share consultation information with applicants’ supervisors. However, applicants can decide whether to authorize this or not.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions:link