Writing for Academic Success (2)

Writing for Academic Success (2)

Course Description

This course aims to familiarize undergraduate students with fundamental skills of English writing. Topics to be covered in this course include paragraph organization, idea development, syntactic analysis, and drafting/editing strategies. The reading and writing of a myriad of texts in the course are arranged to help students build a solid foundation of academic writing.

Course Objectives

Course Intended Learning Outcome (CILO)

The course adheres to the NTU educational goal for students  to develop

CC 1: independent judgment and ability to innovate

CC 2: professional knowledge and skills

CC 3: communicative and team skills

By the end of this course, students should be able to

CILO 1: develop comprehensive writing skills and knowledge (CC 1 & 2)

CILO 2: learn how to craft a well-established paragraph (CC 1 & 2)

CILO 3: recognize and analyze the features of authentic texts for academic purposes (CC 1, 2 & 3)

CILO 4: communicate and collaborate with peers to improve and polish different types of texts (CC 1, 2 & 3)

CILO 5: apply writing skills and knowledge to constructing drafts, revisions, and finalized works (CC 1, 2 & 3)

Weekly Schedule

Week 1 Course Overview
Week 2 Paragraph Structure: Topic Sentence
Week 3 Paragraph Structure: Cohesion & Coherence
Week 4 Variations of Paragraph Structure
Week 5 Writing Rhetoric
Week 6 Textual Analysis
Week 7 Narration Paragraph I
Week 8 Narration Paragraph II
Week 9 Peer Review
Week 10 Revision Strategies
Week 11 Using Outside Sources
Week 12 Exposition Paragraph I
Week 13 Exposition Paragraph II
Week 14 Comparative Paragraph I
Week 15 Comparative Paragraph II
Week 16 Final Exam


**英文程度為CEFR B1-B2, TOEIC 600-785, TOEFL iBT 60-72, IELTS 5.0-6.5** (Required English language proficiency: CEFR B1-B2, TOEIC 600-785, TOEFL iBT 60-72, IELTS 5.0-6.5)

1. Plagiarism will result in assignment failure.
2. Absence over three times will result in course failure.
3. Late submission of assignments will be penalized.
4. Course slides will not be uploaded in advance.
5. Auditors will not be allowed in this course.

一、 Required Reading  (Please list the reading on a weekly basis)

Brandon, L. (2012). At a Glance: Paragraphs. USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

二、  Extended Readings  (Please list the reading on a weekly basis)

Arvatu, A. & Aberdein, A. (2015). Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasion. NY: Bloomsbury.

Baig, B. (2015). Spellbinding Sentences: A Writer’s Guide to Achieving Excellence and Captivating Readers. Ohio: Writer’s Digest Books.

Penfield, E. (2009). Short Takes (10th ed.). NY: Pearson Education.

Pinker, Steven. (2014). The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century. USA: Penguin Books.

Smalley, R. L., Ruetten, M. K., & Kozyrev, J. R. (2012). Refining Composition Skills: Academic Writing and Grammar (6th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning.

Williams, J. M. (2007). Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace (9th ed.). USA: Pearson Education.

Wyrick, J. (2014). Steps to Writing Well (12th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth.

Grading Policy

Types of Assessment Weighting Descriptions of Assessment
Paragraph Writing Tasks 40% Three types of paragraphs (i.e., narration, exposition, and comparison) written by students will be graded.
Paragraph Analysis & Peer Review 15% This assessment will be conducted in class to stimulate students’ feedback.
Attendance & Participation 15% In addition to their active participation in class discussion, students are not allowed to be absent over 3 times.
Final Exam 30% Students are expected to write a well-constructed paragraph in the final exam.