Writing for Academic Success (1)

Writing for Academic Success (1)

Course Description

This is an introductory college writing course that aims to equip students with understanding of and skills for English academic writing in preparation of more advanced writing courses. Topics to be covered are identifying sentence types; achieving parallelism, unity, coherence, and cohesion; using the dictionary and building vocabulary; befriending Grammarly; peer-reviewing; and respecting ethics in academic writing. The course will also help improve students’ sentential structures and idea development so that they will be able to self-evaluate their writing.

Course Objectives

Course Intended Learning Outcome (CILO)

The course adheres to the NTU educational goal for students to develop

CC 1: independent judgment and ability to innovate
CC 2: professional knowledge and skills
CC 3: communicative and team skills

By the end of this course, students should be able to

CILO 1: understand the nature and standard of academic writing. (CC 1 & 2)
CILO 2: learn the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for English writing. (CC 1 & 2)
CILO 3: gain a vocabulary of elements with which to analyze and write a paragraph. (CC 1& 2)
CILO 4: communicate and collaborate with peers to improve and polish their work. (CC 1, 2 & 3)

Weekly Schedule

Week 1 Course Overview
Week 2 Building Vocabulary & Using the Dictionary

Activity: Group-based collocation exercise

Assignment: Building portmanteau words

Week 3 Types of Sentences

Activity: Identifying different types of clauses and sentences

Assignment: Writing sentences that contain the 4 types

Week 4 Parallelism & Sentence Problems

Activity: Making it parallel

Assignment: Finding faults

Week 5 Connecting Words and Transition Signals

Activity: Adding appropriate connectors

Assignment: Reducing transition signals

Week 6 Analyzing a Paragraph I

Activity: Decoding the structure

Assignment: Writing an outline

Week 7 Unity, Coherence, and Cohesion

Activity: Finding faults

Assignment: Making the text flow

Week 8 Mid-Term Exam
Week 9 Citation & Ethics in Academic Writing

Activity: No plagiarism

Week 10 Strategies for Summarizing

Activity: Crafting a summary

Assignment: Evaluating summaries

Week 11 How to Paraphrase

Activity: Crafting paraphrases

Week 12 Optimizing Peer-Reviewing

Activity: Using the peer-review sheet

Week 13 Analyzing a Paragraph II

Activity: Collaborating for a paragraph

Assignment: Peer-reviewing the paragraphs

Week 14 “Academic” Writing: Some Key Features

Activity: Monopoly

Week 15 Identifying Common Grammar Mistakes

Activity: Finding faults

Week 16 Final Exam


**英文程度為(或不及)CEFR B1, TOEIC 590, TOEFL iBT 59, IELTS 5.0** (Required English language proficiency: CEFR B1, TOEIC 590, TOEFL iBT 59, IELTS 5.0 or below)

1. Class attendance is mandatory. Absences are excused only for good reasons.
2. There will be 5 pop-up quizzes.
3. There are in-class individual- and group-based tasks.

一、 Required Reading  (Please list the reading on a weekly basis)

Oshima, Alice & Hogue, Ann (2020). Longman Academic Writing Series 4 (5th ed.). NY: Pearson/Longman.

Week 3: Chapter 9

Week 4: Chapter 10

Week 5: Appendix B

Week 6: Chapter 1

Week 7: Chapter 2

Week 9: Chapter 3; Appendix E

Week 10: Chapter 3

Week 11: Appendix F

Week 12: Chapters 11-13

Week 14: Chapter 3

二、Extended Readings  (Please list the reading on a weekly basis)

LaRocque, Paula (2013). The Book on Writing: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Well. TX: Grey and Guvnor Press. (Week 3: Chapters 1 & 2)

Sword, Helen (2012). Stylish Academic Writing. Harvard University Press.

(Week 13: Chapter 13; Week 14: Chapter 1)

Zinsser, William (2006). On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction. Harper Perennial. (Week 3: Chapters 2, 3 & 4; Week 14: Chapter 5)

臺大寫作教學中心教材編輯小組。《活用學術字彙:跨出論文寫作的第一步》。台北:臺大出版中心,2010。 (Week 2)

Grading and Assessment

Pop-up Quizzes (25%)
Attendance (15%): No more than three absences are permitted.
In-Class Task and Participation (20%)
Mid-Term and Final Exams (40%)