Business & Technical English Writing Applications

Business & Technical English Writing Applications

Course Description

This course is intended to help students effectively apply fundamental English writing skills and knowledge for practical purposes. Students will be introduced to professional writing in terms of the following themes: email messages, brochures & meeting notes, instruction manuals, professional reports, and components of effective written communication. Students will collaboratively work toward understanding how to analyze and react to rhetorical situations each genre and writing situation presents, including issues of audience, persuasion strategies, and organization, with a view to crafting a clear writing style that promotes effective communication.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, students should be able to CILO 1: critically evaluate and analyze a variety of business & technical documents (CC 1, 2 & 3) CILO 2: apply writing skills and knowledge to constructing different writing genres (CC 1, 2 & 3) CILO 3: recognize the features of authentic texts (CC 1 & 2) CILO 4: develop proof- reading and self-editing skills (CC 1 & 3) CILO 5: achieve effective business & technical communication (CC 1, 2 & 3)

Weekly Schedule

Week 1 Course overview (實作課暫停) + Good & bad news emails
Week 2 Inquiry & invitation emails
Week 3 Holiday (Moon Festival)
Week 4 Request & recommendation emails
Week 5 Adjustment & complaint emails
Week 6 Business brochures
Week 7 Meeting notes
Week 8 Meeting notes
Week 9 Quiz 1 + Assignment feedback
Week 10 Definitions & descriptions
Week 11 Informational reports
Week 12 Analytical reports
Week 13 Graphics in reports
Week 14 Situational Communication: Audience-centered communication, rhetorical awareness, steps in the writing process & Book reports vs. book reviews
Week 15 Writing Business & Technical Documents: Tone and voice, word choice, effective & professional style & News releases
Week 16 Quiz 2 + Writing Consultation


**1. Students are required to attend all classes. No more than three excused are permitted.

  1. Active participation in class discussions is required.
  2. Writing assignments are carefully scheduled as stages toward the fulfillment of the course’s objectives. All assignments are due in the next lecture. Late assignments are accepted, but the grades would be substantially lower and may not receive any feedback. Direct copy of the sentences on the Internet will also incur penalties.
  3. The assignments should be submitted electronically as a MS Word file.
  4. In addition to regular class time, students should devote an average of about one hour per week to preparation, including previewing, reviewing, and completing writing assignments.

* 中文授課、英文作業。 * 本課程不開放旁聽,可於一、二週上網加簽,或於第三週人工加簽。

一、Required Reading  (Please list the reading on a weekly basis)
All course materials will be provided by the instructor. No textbooks or course packs need to be purchased.

二、Extended Readings  (Please list the reading on a weekly basis)
* Anderson, P. V. (2014). Technical Communication. (8th ed). Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

* Alred, G. J., Brusaw, C. T., & Oliu, W. E. (2009). Handbook of Technical Writing. (9th ed.). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

* Brantley, C. P. & Miller, M. G. (2008). Effective Communication for Colleges. (11th ed). Mason: Thomson South-Western.

* Guffey, M. E. & Loewy, D. (2011). Business Communication: Process & Product. (7th ed). Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning.

* Kolin, P. C. (2010). Successful Writing at Work. (9th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.

* Lehman, C. M. & DuFrene, D. D. (2012). BCOM3. Mason: South-Western.

* Mehlich, S., Smith-Worthington, D., & Che, P.-C. (2007). Technical writing for success: A school-to-work approach. Taipei: Cengage Learning.

* Turk, C. & Kirkman, J. (1989). Effective Writing: Improving Scientific, Technical and Business Communication. (2nd ed.). London: E & FN SPON.

* Sorenson, S. (2010). Webster’s New World Student Writing Handbook. (5 ed.). HoBoken: Wiley Publishing.

Grading and Assessment

Item % Descriptions
Letter Writing 10% Write a request letter asking for a recommendation letter. Draft your own letter of recommendation.
Quizzes 20% • Quiz 1 (10%) • Quiz 2 (10%)
Within-group Evaluation 10% There will be 2 within-group evaluations. The average score of the within-group evaluations is based on what each of your team members gives you. Failure to give your team members scores will result in a zero.
Class Participation 20% Based on participation in the in-class discussions, forum discussions on COOL, independent study (max. 5%), and attendance (8%).
Group Projects 30% Create a brochure & meeting minutes (15%), and a professional report (15%) — (4 or 5 students working together)
Peer Reviews 10% There will be 2 between-group peer reviews, where you give constructive feedback on projects as a group.