2016 Three-Minute Thesis Competition 三分鐘英語學術簡報競賽
在賽後訪談中,入圍同學皆肯定準備過程中的學習與成長。其中,第二名的李妮是來自印度的留學生,去年曾入圍決賽,今年捲土重來,並根據前次參賽經驗調整聽眾定位及加強內容與生活的連結性。這次獲獎她感到非常高興,還透露決賽當天亦是留台三週年紀念日,對於她在台博班生涯深具意義。她同時鼓勵臺灣的研究生應把握機會,積極參與如 3MT般之重要國際賽事。
3MT源起於澳洲昆士蘭大學,已陸續在劍橋大學、史丹佛大學、英屬哥倫比亞大學等全球高等學府舉辦。臺大寫作教學中心為鼓勵研究生分享其學術發現, 2015年特取得 3MT授權,舉辦臺大三分鐘英語簡報比賽。2016年將參賽對象擴大為北二區夥伴學校研究生,並在臺大教務長、臺大文學院、及北二區教
學資源中心鼎力協助下辦理 2016臺大三分鐘英語學術簡報競賽。
決賽於5月31日假臺大文學院演講廳舉行,除了臺大寫作教學中心講師外,特別邀請拿多管理顧問有限公司總經理 Andy Ings(拿多管理顧問有限公司總經理)、世新大學李振清教授(世新大學英語學系)、臺大吳益群教授(臺大生科院副院長)、郭鴻基教授(臺大教務長)與國立臺灣師範大學陳昭珍教授(國立臺灣師範大學教務長)(依姓名筆畫排序)擔任評審委員。
初選收件 Video Submission |
2016/4/08-5/02 中午 12:00 |
活動已結束 |
說明會與賽前講堂 Information Seminar & Presentation Workshops |
2016/4/08 (Fri.) 13:30-16:30 |
Seminar Announcement Video/Supplementary Materials |
公佈決選名單 Finalist Announcement |
2016/5/16 (Mon.) Afternoon |
Link |
決選 Final |
2016/5/31 (Tue.) 17:30-20:00 |
Winners Announcement |
All currently-enrolled NTU and Northern Taiwan Section II partner universitygraduate students who are conducting original research or have publications that can contribute to their future theses/dissertations can participate in the 3MT Competition.
初選收件期間 Online Registration/Video Submission: 2016/4/08 – 5/02 中午12:00
Three-Minute Thesis Seminar –
How to Present Your Ideas Within 3 Minutes
Time: 2016/04/08 (Fri.) 13:30-16:30
Location: Common Subjects Classroom Building (共同教學館) Rm. 104
13:30-14:00 2016 NTU 3MT Information Session
14:00-15:00 Allow Your Slide to Do the Talking
15:00-16:30 Telling Your Research Story
【Part 1】2016 NTU 3MT Competition Information Session
The Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) is an international research communication competition that challenges higher-degree students to present to an intelligent, but non-specialist, audience the ideas they are researching, the new knowledge they are hoping to find, and the contribution their research is going to make. NTU now joins them to present its own 3MT event and invites you to know more.
【Part 2】Allow Your Slide to Do the Talking
Miguel Lee (AWEC Assistant Professor)
【Part 3】Telling Your Research Story
Marc Anthony (AWEC Instructor)
This short workshop is designed to assist competitors of the 3MT in shaping ideas for their presentations. Taking a cue from Harvard professor emeritus, Edward O. Wilson ,that “good science is a good story,” we will explore narrative ways to present research, including using anecdotes, personalization, and narrative arcs.
首獎一名 One Winner | iPad Air2 |
貳獎一名 One First Runner-up | Asus Tablet |
參獎一名 One Second Runner-up | Pocket Projector |
觀眾票選獎一名 One Audience Choice Award | Pocket Projector |
Winner Ding-Yuan Chen 陳鼎元 Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering “The Application of the Robotic Surgical Assistance System to Hydrocephalus” |
First Runner-up Rini Ravindranath 李妮 Department of Chemistry, College of Science “Reducing Our Carbon Footprint: From CO2 to Fuels” |
Second Runner-up Ping-Hua Lin 林品樺 Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering “Bridging Virtual Reality and the Real World” |
People’s Choice Award Nae-Chyun Cheng 陳乃群 Department of Electronics Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science “DNA Sequencing – Knowing Yourself Better” |
005 Ding-Yuan Chen 陳鼎元 / Mechanical Engineering (Engineering)
016 Chao-Ju Chou 周昭如 / Civil Engineering (Engineering)
031 Ping-Hua Lin 林品樺 / Mechanical Engineering (Engineering)
048 Rini Ravindranath 李妮 / Chemistry (Science)
064 Yu-Kuang Chiu 邱宇光 / Photonics and Optoelectronics (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
071 Duan-Xing Li 李端行 / Chemical Engineering (Engineering)
072 I-Wen Chen 陳怡妏 / Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering (Engineering)
076 Chi-Yun Wu 吳季芸 / Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
077 Nae-Chyun Chen 陳乃群 / Electronics Engineering (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
096 Evan Shu 徐于恩 / Global MBA (Management)
105 Kuan-Chang Tseng 曾冠樟 / Law (Law)
108 Cian-Cian Hsieh 謝謙謙 / Agronomy (Bio-Resources and Agriculture)
- 三分鐘學術簡報官方網站 3MT® official website: http://threeminutethesis.org
- 2015 NTU 3MT 賽前講堂: 如何組織你的三分鐘簡報 (李維晏) [錄影]
- 2016 NTU 3MT 賽前講堂錄影與資料 Seminar Video & Supplementary Materials :
- 初賽影片示範帶 Preliminary Round Demo Video: [Demo#1] [Demo#2][Demo#3]
- 使用Youtube說明 Youtube instruction :
【單位 Organizers】
國立臺灣大學寫作教學中心 National Taiwan University Academic Writing Education Center
國立臺灣大學教務處 National Taiwan University Office of Academic Affairs
國立臺灣大學文學院 National Taiwan University College of Liberal Arts
北二區教學資源中心 Second Northern Taiwan Teaching Resource Center
【活動專線 Contact Info】
TEL: (02) 3366-1480
Email: ntuawec@ntu.edu.tw