2021 3MT

2021 Three-Minute Thesis Competition

We welcome all graduate students currently enrolled at a university in Taiwan.
If pandemic-related disruptions occur, any changes will be announced on this webpage.

Final Event Promo

Promo Video

Information Seminar

2019 3MT Excerpt

2019 Training Seminar

The Three-Minute Thesis (3MT), originating at the University of Queensland, Australia, is an international research communication competition that has been held in over 900 universities across 85 countries. The 3MT@NTU offers graduate students the challenge of showcasing their research to a broader audience. This year, in addition to our continuing collaboration with National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) as our joint partners, we expand across academic communities in other areas of Taiwan. National Taiwan University invites you to showcase your research at the 2021 3MT competition.

Launch 9/15 (Wed) Information Seminar Video
Presentation Strategies Seminars 11/2 (Tue.)
NTU Xinsheng Lecture Building 303
Registration Link
11/3 (Wed.)
IB-202, International Building, NTUST
Registration Link
Video Submission 11/8 (Mon) ~11/23 (Tue) Noon Registration Link
Finalist Announcement 11/29 (Mon) 【3MT Finalists】
Final Event 2021/12/8 (Wed) 18:30 NTU Boya Lecture Building R101

All graduate students currently enrolled at a university in Taiwan who are conducting original research or have publications that can contribute to their future theses/dissertations are eligible to register in the competition.

Online Registration/Video Submission: 11/8 (Mon) ~ 11/23 (Tue) Noon
Registration Link

Winner NT$20,000
First Runner-up NT$15,000
Second Runner-up NT$12,000
People’s Choice Award NT$10,000

2021 3MT Competition Finalists (in registration order)

Wei-Chi Chiu NTHU Chemical Engineering
Ching-Wei Yeh NTU College of Medicine, School of Occupational Therapy
Yu-Ting Chen NTU Law
Ju-Hsin Huang NCKU Department of Taiwanese Literature
Wei-Hsuan Tai NCCU Risk Management and Insurance
Jia-Wei Kou NTU Psychology
Aisyah Fitri Rohani NTU Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science
Yun-Ru Chiang NTU School of Veterinary Medicine
Yen-Nien Chen NTU Mechanical Engineering
Zih-Ching Chen NTU Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering
Yi-Zih Chen NTU Data Science Degree Program
Darmawansah NTUST Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education


Waiting List (in priority order)

郭亭瓖 NTU Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
Rowan Quirk NTU Global Health Program
Shih-Huan Huang NTU Department of Physics
Yu-Kai Chiu NTU Department of Civil Engineering
Cheng-Hung Chen NTU Department of Geosciences


* If a finalist requests modifications to his or her original entry information, s/he should submit the request to the Center by email.

The 2021 3MT Competition final event will be held on Wednesday, December 08.
2021 3MT Competition Contact:
Email: ntuawec@ntu.edu.tw

Ching-Wei Yeh
NTU, School of Occupational Therapy
“You feel how you write”

First Runner-up
Jia-Wei Kou
NTU, Psychology
“Block play” of Speech Sound:
Phonological System in Young Bilingual Brains”

Second Runner-up
Wei-Chi Chiu
NTHU, Chemical Engineering
“Sugar-based IC, the way to fantasy”

People’s Choice award
Yen-Nien Chen
NTU, Mechanical Engineering
“Divide and Conquer: Analyzing a Machine”

時間 地點
11/2 (Tue.) 15:40-17:40 NTU Xinsheng Building 303 (TBD)
11/3 (Wed.) 15:00-17:00 IB-202, International Building, NTUST