專案講師 Project Instructor
英國新堡大學語言學碩士 MA in Linguistics, Newcastle University, the United Kingdom
Email: freddychen@ntu.edu.tw
“Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it’s the only way you can do anything really good.” –William Faulkner
“The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.” –Albert Camus
As a linguist, I yearn for the true meaning of language to all humans; as a teacher, I search for the most suitable methods for my students; as a writer, I draw on my experiences to entertain my readers. As a teacher of composition, I help my protégé(e)s make impacts on their audience.
Arduous task as composition is, it is praised as one of the most powerful ways to communicate one’s ideas. Learn to write as an apprentice, and impart knowledge as a master.