講者 : 胡侍伸副教授 (Dr. Bruno Di Giusto)
時間 : 10/17(二) 15:30-17:00
地點 : 普通教學館 405
面對天災人禍,是否有真自由? 你我真能理直氣壯地暢談人人平等嗎?從CO2排放相關數據分享中,你是否有勇氣揭開布幕、直觀真相?!
As the climate crisis worsens, many people want a more sustainable future. Yet, the profound efforts and transformations needed to lower CO2 emissions are often misunderstood or ignored. This workshop explores this issue, focusing on how wealthy countries contribute more to climate change, while vulnerable communities suffer the most. We will use a simple model called IPAT to discuss how population, wealth, and technology together affect the environment. The workshop includes a practical activity where participants can calculate their own carbon footprint. We’ll also discuss how the world’s richest people play a big role in climate issues; an aspect often overlooked. Lastly, we’ll consider the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to highlight the links between climate change, economic inequality, and other global challenges. By the end, participants will better understand how social privilege and environmental issues are connected and will be better prepared to advocate for a sustainable future.
Associate Professor, Journalism and Mass Communication Department, International College, Ming Chuan University Education
Ph.D., Biology of Evolution and Ecology, University of Montpellier II, France
Major Specialty & Experience
Environmental Science, Human Evolution, Marine Biology, Ecology, Plant & Animal Science, Chemical Ecology, Tropical Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Academic Research