




修完這門課之後,學生應該能夠:1. 了解商業與科技方面之實用文件的常見撰寫格式、2. 修改商業與科技的英文文件、3. 運用相關的寫作技巧,以清晰、簡潔的方式傳遞訊息,提升學生撰寫實用文件的語文能力。


Week 1 Course overview (實作課暫停) +如何用英文傳遞好消息與壞消息?
Week 2 不知道怎麼問才好? — 詢問與邀請函
Week 3 Holiday (Moon Festival)
Week 4 老師可以幫我寫個推薦信嗎? — 請求信與推薦函
Week 5 要怎麼處理才滿意? — 告知變更與抱怨的訣竅
Week 6 要社團聯展了怎麼辦? — 有創意的宣傳摺頁
Week 7 討論了那些事? — 讀懂會議紀錄
Week 8 我有記下來! — 撰寫會議記錄並不難
Week 9 Quiz 1 + Assignment feedback
Week 10 專業報告我也會寫:定義與描述
Week 11 專業報告我也會寫:呈現資訊
Week 12 專業報告我也會寫:提供分析
Week 13 專業報告我也會寫:圖表
Week 14 有效訊息交換的要素:情境考量 & 讀書心得報告二三事
Week 15 有效訊息交換的要素:用字遣詞的藝術 & 新聞稿如何吸睛?
Week 16 Quiz 2 +寫作諮詢


**1. Students are required to attend all classes. No more than three excused are permitted.

  1. Active participation in class discussions is required.
  2. Writing assignments are carefully scheduled as stages toward the fulfillment of the course’s objectives. All assignments are due in the next lecture. Late assignments are accepted, but the grades would be substantially lower and may not receive any feedback. Direct copy of the sentences on the Internet will also incur penalties.
  3. The assignments should be submitted electronically as a MS Word file.
  4. In addition to regular class time, students should devote an average of about one hour per week to preparation, including previewing, reviewing, and completing writing assignments.

* 中文授課、英文作業。 * 本課程不開放旁聽,可於一、二週上網加簽,或於第三週人工加簽。


All course materials will be provided by the instructor. No textbooks or course packs need to be purchased.


* Anderson, P. V. (2014). Technical Communication. (8th ed). Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

* Alred, G. J., Brusaw, C. T., & Oliu, W. E. (2009). Handbook of Technical Writing. (9th ed.). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

* Brantley, C. P. & Miller, M. G. (2008). Effective Communication for Colleges. (11th ed). Mason: Thomson South-Western.

* Guffey, M. E. & Loewy, D. (2011). Business Communication: Process & Product. (7th ed). Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning.

* Kolin, P. C. (2010). Successful Writing at Work. (9th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.

* Lehman, C. M. & DuFrene, D. D. (2012). BCOM3. Mason: South-Western.

* Mehlich, S., Smith-Worthington, D., & Che, P.-C. (2007). Technical writing for success: A school-to-work approach. Taipei: Cengage Learning.

* Turk, C. & Kirkman, J. (1989). Effective Writing: Improving Scientific, Technical and Business Communication. (2nd ed.). London: E & FN SPON.

* Sorenson, S. (2010). Webster’s New World Student Writing Handbook. (5 ed.). HoBoken: Wiley Publishing.


項目 % 說明
Letter Writing 10% Write a request letter asking for a recommendation letter. Draft your own letter of recommendation.
Quizzes 20% • Quiz 1 (10%) • Quiz 2 (10%)
Within-group Evaluation 10% There will be 2 within-group evaluations. The average score of the within-group evaluations is based on what each of your team members gives you. Failure to give your team members scores will result in a zero.
Class Participation 20% Based on participation in the in-class discussions, forum discussions on COOL, independent study (max. 5%), and attendance (8%).
Group Projects 30% Create a brochure & meeting minutes (15%), and a professional report (15%) — (4 or 5 students working together)
Peer Reviews 10% There will be 2 between-group peer reviews, where you give constructive feedback on projects as a group.