2018 3MT Competition Finalists (in registration order)
張沄真 Yun-Chen Chang / NTU / Department of Civil Engineering
樂代義 Yogi Tri Prasetyo / NTUST / Industrial Management – Human Factors and Ergonomics
許瑞娟 Jui-chuan Hsu / NTNU / Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
謝宜珊 Yi-Shan Hsieh / NTU / Library and Information Science
馮聖富 Michael Feng / NTU / Institute of Biochemical Science
黃駿鏹 Kenneth Huang / NTU / Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (IEEB)
吳佳蒨 ChiaChien Wu / NTU / Graduated Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics
李金輝 Yonathan / NTUST /Industrial Management
林陸傑 LU CHIEH LIN / NTU / Drama and Theatre
林歡偉 Huan-Wei Lin / NTU / Department of Psychology
林晉毅 Chin-I Lin / NTU / Mechanical Engineering
巴書米 Soumyajit Balabantaray / NTU / Biomedical Engineering
Waiting List (in priority order)
王齊聖 Chi-Sheng Wang / NTU / Political Science
連韓竹 Han-Chu Lien / NTU / Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
劉伃書 Yu Shu Liu / NTU / Occupational Therapy
* Finalists who do not receive a formal notice by 5/1 should contact the Center as soon as possible.
* If a finalist requests modifications to his or her original entry information, please submit the request to the Center by email.
The 2018 NTU 3MT Competition final event will be held on Friday, May 11.
2018 NTU 3MT Competition Contact:
Email: ntuawec@ntu.edu.tw
URL: https://www.awec.ntu.edu.tw/announcements.html?sn=72