第四屆三分鐘英語學術簡報競賽 2018 Three-Minute Thesis Competition (3MT)
2017 3MT臺灣大學、臺灣師範大學、臺灣科技大學三校戰況激烈,參賽者表現優異,今年2018 3MT三校再戰,期待三校同學們以深入淺出的方式分享個人的研究成果,在交流中迸出不同的火花!
競賽內容請參見本中心活動網頁(內含宣傳片、參賽說明影片,及中英文辦法)。 http://goo.gl/dwxo7k
For Graduate Students to Take a Look!
Showcase Your Research in 3 Minutes!
National Taiwan University and the NTU Academic Writing Education Center present the 2018 Three-Minute Thesis competition, which will be held this year on 11 May 2018 on the NTU Campus. This year will be a rematch among presenters from three universities of the NTU Triangle Alliance — National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. All graduate researchers with interesting research projects are invited to compete.
This year, the winners will also have the opportunity to attend international 3MT events to win the glory for their school. With the 2018 3MT Competition coming soon, the NTU Triangle Alliance invites you to enthusiastically showcase your research in plain English and in only three minutes. The deadline for video submission is 23 April at 12 noon. Start preparing now!
To better prepare the participants for the competition, three presentation training seminars will be held prior to registration at each competing school. This is a great opportunity for you to hone your presentation skills and learn how to design a great 3MT presentation. Just sign up!
For more information about the competition, please visit our website (in Chinese and English): http://goo.gl/dwxo7k
【活動時程】Key Dates
初選線上收件 Video Submission:From 4/9-4/23 (12 noon)
賽前講堂(學術簡報技巧攻略) Presentation Seminar:4/13 (Fri.)
決選 Final Event:5/11 (Fri.) 18:30@博雅教學館101 NTU Liberal Education Classroom Building 101
【獎勵】 Prizes
首獎一名 Winner:獎金 NT$14,000
貳獎一名 First Runner-Up:獎金 NT$12,000
參獎一名 Second Runner-Up:獎金 NT$10,000
觀眾票選獎一名 People’s Choice Award:獎金 NT$8,000
活動網頁 Event Webpage http://goo.gl/dwxo7k
中心網頁 Organizer Website https://www.awec.ntu.edu.tw/
活動專線 Telephone 02-33661480
中心信箱 Email ntuawec@ntu.edu.tw